Elimination of cosmetic surgery medical services for Australian’s unjustified by regulatory failures

Australian Medical Board new guidelines are sending Australians overseas for affordable cosmetic surgery procedures. Out of touch of touch with public demand.

Sekhon called for clarity and transparency on any conflicts of interest that drove these new cosmetic surgery guidelines, together with the evidence that prohibition or overregulation will be effective to provide better options to satisfy the public’s demand for cosmetic surgery.? “This gut reaction approach will shift the demand for cosmetic surgery procedures from Australia, overseas. The result of this hasty approach will be further pressure on the Australian public health system. Australians will need to fund the correction and care of issues from overseas cosmetic work. This is a self-protection gut reaction based on the regulators deficiencies to get it right in the first place. It is too late to turn back the clock. The demand is overwhelming and now permanent,” said Sekhon.
“In light of recent developments involving COVID vaccines and the discourse surrounding doctors’ opinions, it appears that public choices are evolving, possibly influenced by the perceived regulatory approaches, according to Sekhon.” “There seems to be a growing discourse advocating for a revision of the current approach.”
“The worst thing about the guidelines is that they remove public choice. People should be able to make their own decisions about their bodies and their health, and these guidelines take that away.” The strict no advertising, no reviews, no comment restrictions doctors rest on the assumption that people who seek cosmetic surgery have some sort of body dysmorphia, and now need to see a GP, then have repeated questioning on their choices, ” he said.

“The worst thing about the guidelines is that they remove public choice. People should be able to make their own decisions about their bodies and their health, and these guidelines take that away.” The strict no advertising, no reviews, no comment restrictions doctors rest on the assumption that people who seek cosmetic surgery have some sort of body dysmorphia, and now need to see a GP, then have repeated questioning on their choices, ” he said.
Sekhon said the guidelines would have a significant impact on the ability of health practitioners to offer cosmetic surgery procedures, requiring referrals and psychological assessment, driving up the already very high costs and forcing Australians overseas for cosmetic surgery. This is an unacceptable outcome for the very public that the Medical Board is mandated to protect.