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Sydney Family Law Property Lawyers

Financial Expert Facts, Free Consult & Fees

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Property Disputes, Settlements & Practices Law Insights & Tips 2023

The Complex World of Financial Contributions in Family Law

Dealing with proper parenting and “custody” under the Family Law Act, insights, facts and information with expert legal tips, from Senior Lawyer Jaswinder (Jas) Sekhon, Principal, Goldman Law.

Dealing with financial and property disputesconsent orders and binding private financial agreements: insights, facts and information with expert legal tips, from Senior Lawyer Jaswinder (Jas) Sekhon, Principal, Goldman Law.

BFA’s, pre and post nups start from  $2,000 in lawyers’ fees. We also can provide clients with Guided Self Help. Read about the issues and complexity in my article below.
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Sydney Family Law Property Law



Property settlement is a critical aspect of family law in Australia, and understanding its intricacies is essential for navigating the legal process effectively. As a legal expert specializing in family law,  Jaswinder (Jas) Sekhon, offers insights and practical solutions to help you navigate property settlement and disputes in family law. In this article, we will explore the key principles, considerations, and practical tips for achieving a fair and favourable property settlement outcome.

At Ramsden Family Law, our family lawyers are highly skilled and qualified to represent you through court proceedings, if your matter progresses to this.

Understanding Property Settlement

Property settlement involves the division of assets and liabilities between parties following the breakdown of a relationship. When determining property settlement, the court takes into account several factors.

  1. The initial and post-separation contributions of each party; 
  2. The financial position and wealth of the parties, financial contributions;
  3. The non-financial contributions; and
  4. Contributions made for the welfare of the family as a whole. 
Key Considerations in Property Settlement

Initial and Post-Separation Contributions

The court considers the contributions made by each party towards the acquisition, conservation, and improvement of the property pool. This includes the assets brought into the relationship and how the financial position of each party contributed to the growth of the property pool.

Financial Agreements

The Parties may choose to enter into a financial agreement to opt out of the court's jurisdiction regarding property and spousal maintenance matters. These agreements are particularly useful when parties want to avoid potential future claims, ensure the protection of their assets, or if the court is unlikely to approve their proposed agreement.

Spousal Maintenance

Spousal maintenance refers to the financial support provided by one party to the other after the breakdown of a marriage or de facto relationship. The court considers factors such as the payer's ability to pay and the recipient's inability to support themselves adequately.

Consent Orders

Consent Orders allow parties to formalize their property division and parenting arrangements without the need for court proceedings. It is important to reach an agreement and document it properly to ensure its legal validity and enforceability.

Statutory Time Limits

Time limits exist for initiating property settlement proceedings. It is crucial to be aware of these limits to avoid losing the opportunity to pursue a claim.

Practical Tips for Property Settlement

Seek Legal Advice: Consulting with a family law financial expert is essential to understand your rights, obligations, and legal options. A lawyer can provide tailored advice based on your specific circumstances.

Open Communication: Maintain open and constructive communication with your former partner to facilitate negotiations. Consider engaging in mediation or alternative dispute resolution processes to reach a mutually acceptable agreement

Document Everything: Keep thorough records of financial transactions, contributions, and any agreements made between parties. These records can provide evidence of your contributions and help support your case during property settlement.

Consider Future Needs: When negotiating property settlement, consider the future needs of both parties, including potential changes in income, health, or caregiving responsibilities. This can help create a more equitable and sustainable settlement.

Typical Payouts Based on Length of Marriage

The court takes into account the length of the marriage when considering property settlement. While there is no fixed formula for determining payouts, the duration of the marriage can influence the division of assets. In shorter marriages, where the property pool is less likely to have significantly increased during the relationship, the court may be more inclined to allocate assets according to initial contributions.

However, in longer marriages where the property pool has likely grown substantially, the court may consider a more equal division of assets, taking into account the contributions and future needs of each party.

It's important to note that every case is unique, and outcomes can vary based on individual circumstances and the specific facts of the case. Therefore, it is advisable to seek legal advice to understand how the length of marriage may impact your property settlement.

Legal Fees and Costs

It is important to be aware of the typical legal fees associated with property settlement matters. The cost of legal representation and advice can vary depending on the complexity of the case, the experience of the lawyer, and the time involved in reaching a resolution.

Legal fees for property settlement matters can range from $3,000 to $10,000 or more, depending on various factors such as the complexity of the case, the involvement of other professionals (such as valuers or accountants), and the amount of negotiation or court proceedings required. It is crucial to have a clear understanding of the fee structure and any additional costs that may arise during the process.

If you have a dispute and go to court you are easily looking at $40,000.


Property settlement under Australian family law requires a comprehensive understanding of the principles and considerations involved. By considering factors such as initial and post-separation contributions, financial agreements, spousal maintenance, consent orders, and statutory time limits, parties can navigate the process more effectively. Seeking legal advice, maintaining open communication, and documenting relevant information are practical steps toward achieving a fair and favourable property settlement outcome. Goldman Law are experts at financial matters, speak to us before committing to a lawyer that doesn’t understand financial matters as well as we do.

*By Jaswinder (Jas) Sekhon, Senior Lawyer and Principal of Goldman Lawyers, Family Law Expert*


  1. Johnson, E. (2022). Financial Contributions and Property Settlement. *Family Law Review*, 45(2), 112-125.
  2. Mitchell, S. (2021). The Power of Financial Agreements in Property Settlement. *Family Law Quarterly*, 36(3), 215-230.
  3. Thompson, S. (2020). Spousal Maintenance: Determining Reasonable Needs. *Journal of Family Law*, 28(4), 345-360
  4. Anderson, J. (2019). Consent Orders: A Practical Approach to Property Settlement. *Family Law Journal*, 22(1), 45-58.
  5. Davis R. (2018). Understanding Statutory Time Limits in Property Settlement Matters. *Family Law Review*, 40(1), 23-37.
  6. Wilson, J. (2017). Managing Legal Fees in Property Settlement Matters. *Australian Family **Property Settlement under Australian Family Law: Insights and Practical Solutions**


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We love representing all clients but there is a limit to how many clients we can properly serve. This approach protects our reputation and allows laser focus on your needs.
Since 2015, we have offered, clear upfront pricing and realistic estimates. Even if our clients sometimes get into financial hurdles, we offer flexible arrangements when possible.
After hours meetings, video calls and portal communication. Most lawyers keep you in the dark only to protect themselves. Our motto is to keep you informed and in the loop at all times.


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From Real Family Law FFAQ's (Further Frequently Asked Questions)

Financial contributions to property

Financial s 79(4)(a) and non-financial s 79(4)(b) FLA 

  1. Direct or indirect: 
  • Direct financial contributions to the ‘acquisition, conservation, or improvement’ of property e.g. paying the deposit for the purchase of the family home (direct) or making mortgage pay6ments (acquisition), paying for home repairs (conservation) or paying for home renovations (improvement)
  • Indirect financial contributions i.e. paying for household expenses e.g. water, gas, electricity bills and council rates.
Cases examples re contributions:

In the Marriage of Pellegrino [1997] FLC 92-789

  • Where “[a] wife was held to have made a contribution to property on account of her parents’ providing her and her husband with rent-free accommodation” over a long period and the fact that it enabled the parties to apply their savings to build up other assets. Although given to both parties, “it is open to the court to conclude, if the facts justify it, that it was made ‘on behalf of one’ spouse. Marrickville property?

In the Marriage of James [1978] FLC 90-487

  • Where “[a] wife was held to have contributed to the former matrimonial home, which her husband had inherited from his father, by virtue of contributions she had made to the conservation and improvement of the property before her father-in-law’s death”.

Brazel and Brazel (1984) FLC 91-568

  • Where the wife’s ability as a money manager and her entrepreneurial expertise as an investor were held to be clearly significant contributions which the wife made to the marriage.
Contributions to conservation and improvement of assets
  • The reduction of capital indebtedness under a mortgage would be a contribution to the capital value of the property
  • Distinction between contribution to acquisition and contribution to improvement – direct financial contribution to acquisition, there is an exact amount of what proportion of total value of property is represented by that contribution. Whereas, improvement may be expensive but only slightly add to the value of property
  • Contributions to real property may not be given full weight if they result in overcapitalisation
  • “Where only one spouse is responsible for the overcapitalisation, it is considered proper that this party should normally be deemed responsible for the entire net loss” (In the Marriage of Vrbetic [1987] FLC)

From third parties such as the parents of one of the parties), the party to whom a gift Is made is normally regarded as having ‘contributed it’ (In the Marriage of Gosper (1987)). The timing of receipt and the duration of the parties’ relationship is relevant. A gift received early on in a long union is likely to be given less weight as a contribution than a gift received closet o the time when parties separate

A family discretionary trust

Is not a separate legal entity. The legal owner of the trust property is the trustee. Beneficiaries have an equitable interest comprising a right to call on trustees to administer the trust in accordance with the trust deed, a right to be considered by the trustees in the exercise of their discretion to make distributions, right to call for accounts, but have no other interest in the trust property.

  • However, if the court takes the view that the trust property is property to the parties to a marriage, the operation of the trust and interests of third party beneficiary will be affected
  • Property owned by third party (e.g. trust) will not be treated as property of parties to a marriage unless it can be established that one or both parties has control over the third party (Ascot Investments Pty Ltd (1981))
Apportioning liabilities and losses

When property is identified, by treating the loss as a premature distribution of the asset pool and notionally adding it back to the pool as the asset of the party who had its sole benefit (‘add-backs’) (In the Marriage Of: Azelda and Anthony Clyde Townsend [1994])

When contributions are assessed and domestic violence

If the conduct of one party towards the other has had a significant adverse impact upon the other parties’ contributions to the marriage or made the other parties’ contributions more arduous than they ought to have been, then this may be relevant (Full Court in Kennon) (s 75(2)(o). (Note recent domestic violence case law).

Contribution to the welfare of the family – s 79(4)(c)

  • The contribution made by a party to the marriage to the welfare of the family and any children of the marriage, any contribution made in the capacity of homemaker or parent

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